Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Respite (n.) To relieve by a pause or interval of rest.

My definition of a break is a good long nap
[or vegging out with a good movie]. I'll be doing precisely this over the next several days!
My invitation orders are filled now and I'm taking a break from "invitation overload" before I embark on my next projects. {A big THANK YOU to all my wonderful customers and new friends for all your halloween invitation orders! It's been fun being a part of your festivities!}
Next, I'll be preparing for my own Halloween party. Lots of halloweeny decorations to put up, menu to plan, groceries to buy, rooms to clean [ugh!], and costumes to finish. Guess nap time is over! I'll be seeing you in a week or so. Don't worry I'll be back! ~Julie

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